Fundamental Tips to Maintain a Reliable Heating & Cooling System

Having a dependable heating and cooling system significantly impacts the comfort and livability of your home. At VM O’Leary Sheet Metal & Heating, we have dedicated our expertise to ensure you get the best from your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. In the following post, we outline some fundamental guidance on how to maintain a reliable heating and cooling system.

1. Ensure Regular HVAC Maintenance

One of the surest ways to ensure your HVAC system stays efficient is through scheduled maintenance. A neglected system will wear out more quickly, operate inefficiently, and require frequent and expensive repair projects. Regular HVAC servicing will increase the lifespan, efficiency, and reliability of your system.

2. Change Your Filters Regularly

Dirty or clogged air filters reduce your system’s overall efficiency and may even cause damage over time. It’s recommended to replace your filters at least every 90 days. An easy way to remember? Mark your calendar or set reminders on your phone to ensure you never forget.

3. Optimize the Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is an excellent upgrade for your HVAC system. It permits you to adjust the temperature to suit your household’s routine automatically. By adjusting temperatures when no one is at home, you can save significantly on energy usage and costs, plus ensure a comfortable environment when you are home.

4. Encourage Efficient Airflow

Proper airflow is key to an efficient HVAC system. Make sure your air vents and registers are open and unblocked by furniture or curtains. Additionally, strategic placement of fans can help transport cool or warm air throughout your home more efficiently.

5. Know When it’s Time to Upgrade

Ageing heating and cooling systems not only sap more energy but can also lead to discomfort in your home. If your system is more than 15-20 years old, isn’t heating or cooling your home properly, or requires frequent repairs, it may be time for an upgrade.

At VM O’Leary Sheet Metal & Heating, we understand just how critical a reliable, efficient HVAC system is to your quality of life. Follow our tips above, and remember that our expert technicians are always on hand to help you navigate any heating and cooling issues, from routine maintenance to full system upgrades. Reach us today for more details.

Impressively, we have managed to not only provide services that exceed our customer’s expectations but also make sure that their homes remain cozy in winter and cool in summer. Stick with us, and you can confidently trust in your HVAC system.

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