Bringing “Box Living” to a Whole New Level with Linked Equipment

Forget about your traditional brick and mortar dream, my friend – Linked Equipment is here to transform your perception of Modular Office Construction! We promise you, it’s NOT boring!

Ever played with those fancy building blocks as a kid? Well, if you ever dreamed of living inside a shiny box (and who didn’t?), we specialize in turning that vision into reality. But don’t worry, we’re not trapping you inside FedEx… we’re talking about Shipping Containers turned chic office spaces. Yeah, you heard that right!

Our talented team creates the most exciting and innovative shipping-container-turned-office-spaces you could ever imagine. Need a concealed Batcave or a fairy-tale castle? Maybe a space station command center or an island tiki-bar? Ok… we can’t help with the tiki bar, but from standard to whimsical, we’ve got your office fantasies covered (within reason… seriously, the tiki-bar isn’t happening).

So why stick to the routine when you can have functional modular offices that are as fun as they’re practical? With Linked Equipment, it’s less construction, more imagination!

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